Lakes certified as a Carbon Neutral Company
Company News, Industry Insights | 20/08/2019Lakes has achieved the Carbon Footprint Standard having assessed its carbon emissions and achieved carbon neutrality via support of internationally certified carbon offset projects.
The two-stage process audited all greenhouse gas emissions associated with Lakes’ UK operation. This resulted in the award of the Carbon Footprint Standard – based on Lakes’ carbon footprint assessment being audited in a process following ISO 140064-3.
To compensate for carbon emissions produced in the natural day-to-day running of a business, Lakes is working closely with Carbon Footprint Ltd to offset them in three ways. First by planting trees in the UK because trees absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. Lakes will also support a Uganda borehole rehabilitation project to provide a source of clean drinking water, and a solar power energy installation in India. Both Uganda and India projects, as well as providing climate change mitigation, also support developing regions of the world.
Lakes’ focus on improving its impact on the environment is an integrated approach which follows its announcement in March this year that packaging for all new products is now 100% recyclable. Lakes is the first in its sector to do this. The company has now taken this further, extending it to 100% recycling of all product waste, primarily glass and aluminium, and all recyclable site and office waste.
Mick Evans, Lakes Operations Director, says: “It’s important we all take responsibility for the negative impacts we’re having on our environment. By making these changes Lakes is reducing and offsetting its carbon footprint. We’re delighted to have achieved Carbon Neutral status and we hope others will follow our lead.”
Dr Wendy Buckley, Client Director at Carbon Footprint Ltd, adds: “Lakes is taking a leading and proactive position in its market, to measure and manage its carbon impact – even though there is no legislative requirement for them to do so. They are making active steps to reduce the carbon emissions in the business, going forward, and by carbon offsetting they are mitigating unavoidable emissions by supporting projects across the world with immediate effect.”