Men vs Women: The battle of the bathroom
For Fun, Facts & Figures | 28/02/2017To find out which sex tops the tiles we commissioned a OnePoll survey of 1000 people aged 18-70. Here’s what we found…
- There is only a marginal difference between the amount of men and women showering daily. 60% of women shower daily. 57% of men shower daily.
- Men are happier to use a good old fashioned bar of soap than women. 33% of men vs 26% of women.
- Women seem to be busy in the shower. 33% more likely to shave, 25% more likely to exfoliate and 9% more likely to plan the day ahead.
- Women take longer in the shower, but only by 2 minutes.
- Men are far more likely to tackle any shower repairs. 51% of men tackle repairs themselves compared to 13% of women. 35% of women would prefer to use a specialist tradesman.
- When shopping for shower enclosures 43% of women would visit bathroom showrooms compared to 33% of men. More men would visit a plumber or builders merchant.
- When choosing a shower enclosure size is the 3rd most important feature to men and women.
No winners or losers in this battle of the bathroom!
Our survey reveals that many old fashioned perceptions about the difference in bathroom behaviours between men and women are much smaller than you might expect.
Source: OnePoll 2016
We’ve recently polled 1000 people to find out which sex tops the tiles. Here’s what we found: #BattleOfTheSexes
— Lakes Bathrooms (@LakesBathrooms) March 10, 2017